The Lisbon Institute of Global Mental Health was awarded with funding from the EEA Grants’ Active Citizens Fund 2018-2024 for the project MH Rights – Integrated Program for the Promotion of Human Rights of People with Mental Disorders.
The project aims to promote the human rights of people with mental disorders/psychosocial disability in Portugal and to fight discrimination against these people.
To achieve these objectives, the following activities will be developed:
– Obtaining up-to-date information on mental health, human rights and discrimination in Portugal through three studies (on stigma, human rights violations of people with mental illness, and compulsory internment in Portugal);
– Review of the literature on the most effective ways of defending the rights of people with mental illness;
– Awareness campaigns by Portuguese society for this theme, including a film festival on mental health and human rights, an International Symposium on the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and a social inclusion initiative for people with mental illness through sport;
– Mental health and human rights training and empowerment of people with mental illness and family (including training actions tailored to the needs of four groups – persons with mental disorders and family members, health and social sector professionals, municipalities, and young people).
– Involvement of young university students in advocacy.
– Support to the implementation of mental health policies and legislation in Portugal.
Project partners include:
– Users and family members organizations (Rede Nacional de Pessoas com Experiência de Doença Mental, Familiarmente)
– NGOs (FNERDM, ARIA, Recomeço, GAC, Gira)
– Directorate General of Health (Programa Nacional de Saúde Mental)
– Municipalities (Lisbon and Loures)
– Students’ Associations (AEFCM)
– University of Oslo, Norway
The EEA Grants Active Citizens Fund 2018-2024 is funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.
Find out more: https://gulbenkian.pt/cidadaos-ativos/en/